Today I woke up this morning feeling just an overwhelming feeling of happiness.. And a lot of it has to be attributed to the people who are there for me on a daily- weekly- monthly basis. I am so thankful for the friendships I have been blessed with throughout my life.. I feel like I can't say it enough how happy you are make me. Going through high school, it really never felt like I had people who were there for me.. and I was sad all the time.. never felt good about myself. But things are changing.. and a lot of the reason for that is because I have such special friends in my life now. I love each and every one of you and hope that we can remain friends for a very long time. I feel privileged to be a part of each of your lives... I promise each of you after all that you have done for me.. that I will be there through the ups and downs.. whatever you need me for... because each of you are truly a blessing to me. XO
Helen Boles Salling- I know you are my sister... But beyond that you are the most best of friends I could have ever asked for. If someone would have told me when I was younger that we would have ended up being such close friends, I would have never believed them... but here we are. You are such a beautiful person in and out. My twin soul. We don't always see eye to eye on everything but.. my love for you would with stand any test or obstacle. There is no love like a sister's love. Being held by my older sister when I'm crying.. is unlike any feeling I have ever felt. I know that you love me unconditionally and would protect me from anything you were able to. God truly blessed me when he gave me you. I love you so much.
Rebecca Eide- What can I say about my Eide.. You are so beautifully complicated. Like the most beautiful mosaic masterpiece. You just radiate with such ambition and love. Thinking about how we met... how we went from being merely acquaintances... to inseparable.. I have no idea.. but I would have it no other way. There is no person in the whole world who would ever be able to fill the place in my heart that you inhabit. And I don't think there is anyone who could do the same for you? There are just things about myself that are lacking that you fulfill and vise versa. You truly complete me. I can honestly remember every time you have ever cried in front of me.. not only because you are very strong and rarely cry.. but because when you cry.. I swear I feel every tear.. every heart break.. My soul is
bound to yours forever. My bosom friend. I love you so much.
Gisele Hudon- You are a new friend to me, but you are such an amazing person. You are so warm and you opened your home, family and life to me in such an unexpected, amazing way. I don't think there is one moment with you where I am not smiling and laughing.. you truly have become my new happy place. You are and are my strange little Geezy at times, but I love you for every moment. Because if you were to take away any of your quirks.. you wouldn't be the wonderful Geezy that you are. You are such a big source of love, encouragement and support as you have been. I am so very thankful that I can be a part of your life and be a witness to the remarkable person you are.You are so beautiful inside and out.. It is a very lucky man that gets you for life.. I love you and your family so much Geezy. Xo
Niki Stearns- My Niki Boo... Since Grade 4... and we are still kickin. There aren't many people in life that you can go for so long without hanging out and then see each other and it's like no time has passed.. and I have that with you. The minute I pick you up from your place and I see your little face with a big grin come through the doors of your building, it honestly brightens up my whole world. You are like a walking ray of sunshine. Everyone loves you. But I have to say, I think I love you on a whole other level. Not a creepy level.. but just that.. I think about you a lot.. how you are doing.. And just genuinely miss you.. and it pains me a bit to miss you. You have been in my life since Grade 4... and it still isn't enough. I hope to be there to witness what you do with your life. I hope you keep me around. My love for you is completely unconditional and I couldn't of asked for a better friend to go through the last..14 years with? You have brought so much value to my life. I love you so much Niki Boo.
Leesa Hudson- Leesa, we have been friends a long time, with a big gap in the middle. But I am happy we have overcome it. It was a really happy day for me to have you back in my life at Jamiee's Birthday party. It instantly felt like no time had past. It felt so good to have you back in my life. You were my other half in high school and I You aren't always the first to expose the more fragile part of yourself, but I am so thankful that you have let me in... and let me love you for the beautiful person you are. Obviously, on the outside you are drop dead friggin gorgeoussss... but on the inside you, you seen to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I find your drive to achieve your dreams truly inspiring. I have so much fun with you when we are together. It's like we think the same way.. it is amazing. Thank you so much for coming back into my life and letting me love you for the wonderful, generous, loving, gracious person you have become. I love you so much xo.
Jamiee Kirkham- My Little Jamiee K... Thank you for being there for me to talk to and putting up with my craziness.. You said to be that I could talk to you upset or normal and that you didn't care you would be there for me anyways even if I was a bit sassy towards you.. That you understood. lol Not very many people would do that for someone.. You do that for me.. That takes a special kind of person. You are so a warm , loving, nurturing person. And on top of all of that, you make me feel like I am a lot funnier than I think I actually am lol! You laugh at all my jokes even the stupid ones. lol You also are someone, after knowing each other for so long, I didn't think I would be so close with? Just because we weren't close for a while I guess. But I am so thankful you came back into my life. I wouldn't trade one smile or laugh. I couldn't have a life without my Jamiee K.. I love you so much.
Chantal Gray- You are a new friend to me.. but you are such a great person. We have had our rough patches but we rise above because we just love each other. :) And I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being there for you and will continue to be as long as you need me to be. You are such a beautiful person.. yes you are a bit sassy, but I'm sassy?! I love your sass.. You are a bit younger than me.. but you have a self confidence..and knowledge of who you are... that I was not even close to having at your age. When I started at Dooly's you were first to accept me, and take me under your wing and show me the ropes. And you did it in such a caring, generous way. I love bitching about men with you and just listening to you tell me about your life. I hope to be there for so much more of it. I love you so much.
JJ Abajobir- My JJ, I haven't seen you in a while, but it doesn't change how much I love you girllll. You are a bit stubborn at times.. we know.. we have But again, it just makes you even more beautiful because it is a part of who you are. I feel so safe with I'm with you. I know that no matter the situation that goes down, that my JJ will be there for me. You are always a source of love, support and advice whenever I need you. I want to do the same for you. You are so wise beyond your years and I am really excited to see what you do with all the knowledge and ambition you have. Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad and I hope that I can see you soon because I miss having my JJ love... ? It has been a while since you have dressed up for me??? I love you so much.
Thank you all for loving me... Flaws and All.