The Dog Man
So this weekend I met a guy... I'm actually really nervous about the whole thing because he sounds almost too good to be true.. Have you ever met someone that seems so deceivingly perfect that you want to grab their shoulders and shake them yelling "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! JUST TELL ME!" Because that is how I feel about him. He works with animals. He trains dogs all over the world.. Like a hotter Cesar Milian. It's like talking to my own personal superhero - basically he has my dream job. We talked on the phone last night for what felt like 2 hours.. felt completely effortless... I don't remember the last time I had a conversation like that. We got off the phone and were talking on msn and instantly we couldn't keep our emotions in. I told him his voice sounds like Christmas morning and he said mine sounded like the first time he ate lucky charms.. and it was perfect. Queue Vomit Now- I know that was a little too much but it happened and it was cute damn it. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm really at a loss for words.
Anyways.. he also coaches boxing or something.. and I'm trying to get in shape.. like.. before I say "Thank you Lord for my dream man" I'm trying to chill the eff out.. because I have learned repeatedly from experience that most of the time when something sounds too good to be true, it really is.... But.. here is hoping... That Emily might catch a break. Maybe God? Just Maybe?
Goodnight- Longer post tomorrow I promise.

The pic went perfect for your topic!