Wednesday, April 27, 2011

2 Months.

Wow.. it has almost been 2 months since I last posted on this lovely blog of mine.. and I must say I miss it. productivity at work also increased What's a girl to do.
Since my last post I have had to deal with Peter deploying... which so far has not been too too hard. Just because I already am used to not seeing him for months at a time. But it doesn't change the fact that I miss him and his touch. :(

I really feel more and more with everyday that passes that he is my person. I have a lot of time to look back now and really analyze our arguments and stuff. At first I was like.. wow he really drove me crazy a lot. But I was al;so in a relationship previously where we didn't fight at all and there was no passion. I think it is really about finding a happy balance. And with looking back on our arguments now. I realize how much we didn't understand each other in some ways. And yes maybe he needs to work on his communication, but I also need to work on my patience. I can't expect him to be perfect when I am his very first relationship. And he is at an age where he is still so impressionable. I could very well shape and mold him into my ideal man. IMMA DO THAT SHIZ!

A little story for you all.. if I even have readers left. I'm so sorry I peaced out.. I'm going to try and update more.. I think everyday is a bit too aggressive for me.. because I am really busy with work.. then kickboxing etc. But I promise to commit more to this blog from now on. But yes, I went to the dog park the other day and there was this child loving her some Peso... obviously because he is the cutest.. but she was just little.. Like maybe 2-3 years old.. and she was hyper,... and chasing him and jumping at him.. And the mother wasn't doing anything.. I picked him up to let her pet him.. and she still kept jumping etc. Which is understandable since she was a kd.. but she was really freaking Peso out. Finally the mother came by.. took her away.. but as soon as she let her down the kid would kick and scream and run back to Peso.. She did this 3 times until we were able to continue our walk...

After the lovely walk.. we came back to the center of the dog park and the child was still there.. we were standing by a group of people and the child ran at him again.. I scooped him up.. and the little girl said to me "Please can I pet him." And with being afraid Peso might bite or something.. I said "No hunnie.. sorry" Again, the mother not in site. This random girl that was standing near us says " AH... Like Really?" All sarcastically.. like I'm a huge asshole as I'm walking away. Because I denied this child. And when the guy that was with her asked her what was wrong she glared at me and said something that sounded like "Argh, nothing, just stupidity." Now...... Now... wait everyone.. before you freak out... Can everyone explain to me why the EFF I didn't freak out.. and put that bitch in her place? I just listened and walked away... You know what.. I am really sick of this side of myself.. and this was one of my new years resolutions! I wanted to stand up for myself more ya know?

So from now on... any friends who read this... If you witness any kind of situation where I have an opportunity to stand up for myself and I don't... don't let me walk about from it... I need a bit of a push on this one.

Thankfully I have surrounded myself with fabulous friends like all of you that have managed to keep me safe from confrontation.. but it is time that I do some of this for myself... I love you all so much.. and look forward to our chats again.. or... my rants.. and you listening. :)

C'est Ca.

1 comment:

  1. emily boles! Tisk on you! You just need to let them know just like you would let me know! Fricken turds.
