Thursday, December 2, 2010

Gay Support

I realized I missed National HIV and Aids awareness day. I watched a video on Perez where he gave some scary statistics.. Apparently in the US 1 in 5 gay men have HIV or Aids.. That's scary. And this of course isn't a funny subject. But I really hope that the gay men of the world choose to practice safe sex in hopes of reducing these numbers. I really hope that every single one of you can be here when the world becomes equal for everyone. And be here healthy so you can celebrate like I will. I really hope it isn't as far in the future as it sometimes seems. The recent suicides in the world have really impacted me. I don't ever want to be a bully to anyone..make someone feel like that is the only option for them,,Like be that last comment..or look that put them over the edge. I can't explain how conscious of this I have become.  I was bullied in high school and so were a lot of my friends. If anything.. It made us better people. But, I can't imagine if I would have let that bullying take me to a place where I felt hopeless enough to kill myself. A lot of the time my struggle had to do with hormone overload, just feeling so awkward all through high school, feeling fat and ugly. But now I look back on the pictures and I wasn't at all. BITCHES BE JEALOUS YO!? Nothing must feel more overwhelming than being hated for something that is a part of you and that you can't change. AND SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO CHANGE! I really hope that people around the world start being a lot more loving and kind to one another to stop this epidemic that is happening. And for the victims, I really hope that they can have they can see that there is a world beyond the one they feel trapped in right now. And the strength to push through it and use these experiences to build character. Random thoughts.. but I really mean them. Some of the most amazing people I know of or have met were gay. Gay people seem to give off a light that is so undeniable. I love you all. C'est Ca.

love gay pride

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