It has been a busy week for me.. lots of changes. Shall I list them I think I shall..
Since I posted last I've
Went out dancing with some friends got hit on a lot? Apparently I had something working for me that night that does not continue into the regular hours of the day..
Gotten ditched for a date on Sunday.. went to 3 different blockbusters trying to find this persons favourite movie.. upsetting.. upsetting... I do too much too soon.. whomp whomp
Started my new job... new manager.. new team mates.. umm.. Haven't decided my official feeling on it yet.. this team is obviously a lot more tenured.. and its more money..meh.. jury is still out. I really liked my old manager :(
Found out I didn't actually get ditched, it was a valid reason why the person didn't come.. and I suddenly felt silly for getting so upset.
Spent 45 minutes in line at Toys R Us.. 45!!!! Getting my niece's X-mas present.. But shes worth every second.. Winter Belle Costume.. ADORABLE!
Went grocery shopping.. spent $230!!!! Most I've spent in a while..
Got shot down for a date with Captain Custard.. I TRIED PEOPLE! I TRIED! Apparently dating someone at work is too taboo- OR .. I'm not his type.. but lets face it.. I'm pretty awesome.. so I'll stick with the first one.
Won a draw.. got a free harley davidson hat!? Exciting?? No? Damn it
Came up with a great idea today at work, got a thank you from the boss man .. which was much needed and very nice. And reminded me of how truly brilliant I am :P
GOT A CHECK FOR A HUNDRED DOLLARS FROM THE GOOD OLD GOVERNMENT! Merry friggin x-mas to me.. :) Means I get to buy a few more presents for the special people in my life :)
I bought a new towel! The size of a blanket, it is delicious... Nothing like a towel that covers your whole body out of the shower.. if only I had one of the fancy towel heaters.. to heat my giant towel for when I come out of the shower.. then my life would be complete.
Had my first evening.. avec... SUSAN (if you haven't read my previous posts.. I'm not crazy.. but my strainer is named Susan.).. she strained like it was her job... her luscious orange handle glowed with delight in my hand.. "Thank you Emily... Thank you for taking me away from those owners who couldn't spell and smelt like cheese and never used me to my full potential! Because of that.. I will remove the water from this delicious linguine for you.. Better than I have ever done before!" .. ok I got carried away.. but don't act like you didn't enjoy it.
So as you can see.. this bitch be busy..
I'm gonna post some fun stuff.. but I really have to go back to work...
C'est Ca.

Go Susan! I'm proud of her. :*)