So.. I'm weighing myself every friday.. and I really thought I should start sharing the results so you guys are up to date on my progress :) or my lack there No.. but honestly so far I am doing pretty well... so this is your first official...
FRIDAY- FEBRUARY 11th- 172.2
So there you have it... 10 pounds.. Gone..
However... I'm still about 17 pounds away from my goal...
The most annoying thing.. is I really felt like 10 pounds of weight less was going to be a lot more noticable... but no one seems to notice.. I'm trying not to let it be discouraging.. because at the end of the say I feel a difference.. and I know that is what is important.. But at the same time when someone does notice.. it really helps boost my motivation.. but honestly no one seems to notice.. oh well.. I'm going to keep plugging away... sticking with my "kicking it up a notch each week" This week.. I'm going to be trying to get to the gym atleast an hour and a half before work.. instead of just an hour... leaving 40-45 minutes for cardio.. and the rest of the time for weights.

ALSO- after I get my bonus.. as I mentioned before.. I'm going to sign up for some kind of weekly class either in dance or kick-boxing.. I'm really having a hard time deciding.. which I want to take :$ I know kick bowing would probably give me the results i"m looking for.. and would help boost my confident.. but salsa dancing etc would probably do the same.. and I love dancing.. I don't know.. we will have to see...
I honestly... can't wait for this bonus.. its really going to help my money situation.. It really is amazing how you can think you are in such a bind one month but then somehow.. things have a way of working themselves out sometimes ya know? Basically, what I'm saying is... Keep your head up.. lemons= lemonaide.. that whole jazz..:P
Also.. I've really decided that I want to look into organizing this walk for cancer for my dad that I have always wanted to do.. I got some really good ideas in the car ride home from the states today.. As far as like.. what kind of walk/run.. I'm looking to organize.. and what it would set it apart from what is out there right now..
Three things that keep coming back into my mind when I think about it are "Cancer touched my heart." - "Put a face to the fight" and "Face the Fight". I think I like the last one the most.. and basically my general idea is that I want to organize a 5-10km walk/run/bike/rollerblade etc. But I feel with all of the causes out there.. that I want to personalize it.. Take it back to the reason why we all care about these diseases and finding a cure.. and that is because of how it has effected and could effect those we love...or ourselves. Cancer effects more people than any disease. I lost the most wonderful.. amazing father because of it.. and .. I don't want anyone else to go through the same thing. It makes me angry that something that has a possible cure took my father away from me... caused there to be such a hole in my life. But like my dad used to always say.. that which does not kill us.. makes us stronger.. And it has made me stronger. But since he can't be here to fight for a cure.. I want to do it for him..
So the idea behind "Face the Fight".. is putting a face to the fight.. I want to set up a website where people can send in a picture of their loved one that was effected by cancer -with whatever the acceptable minimal donation would be.. and on the day of the walk.. have a tshirt for them to wear with that picture of their loved one on the back of it to symbolize the who they are walking for..or how cancer impacted their lives.. thier reason to "face the fight". And if someone just wants to participate, without that.. It would be a picture of my dad, because I would be doing the donation/ walk in his name.
I really think that it is a good.. originial idea.. and possible?
There would be a lot of planning involved in it.. but nothing I don't think I am capable of..
Whether or not you believe in heaven.. if there is even the slightest chance that my Dad could see that I did something like this.. it would make him so unbelievably proud.. and that slight chance is worth it to me.. So.. I'm going to start looking into it.. emailing the Ontario Cancer Society to see how I set something like this up... Let me know what you think..
Love you All.. c'est ca