I think I need to kick things up a notch.. and with being able to pay off a large chunk of my debt with the bonus I'm getting next week.. I think I can afford to take some kind of monthly class or something? I want to find the cheapest/ most effective option. I like how intense kick-boxing is, but at the same time I really like dancing.. anything from salsa- hiphop.. AND I like yoga too... So hard... I know I would probably get the biggest results from kick-boxing or something? But I am going to do some shopping around to see what I like most.
I gained some weight over the weekend.. I think I'm weighing myself too much- however I did drink some booze and eat some not so good for you food on the weekend while in Brockville.. so I am really to blame :(
I am feeling a smiggen discouraged. The pounds are dropping as much as I had hoped- which is why like I said.. I want to switch things up.. Input?
What else to tell you people.. Not a whole lot.. Have been having a hard time at work because I'm really.... how do I say this.. Look... I love my work.. in the sense that I love this company.. It has done so much for me.. I love the people here.. the atmosphere etc. However, I don't fufilled on a daily basis by my job.. it is so repetitive.. I am a very "right-brained" type person.. I like doing things that allow me to be creative and there really isn't room for that in my job. I'm honestly getting to the point where I would almost rather work two jobs .. maybe 1 at a petstore.. and 1 at a bar or something.. over working here.. And I hate feeling this way.. I just realyl feel like my skills are being put to use on a daily basis.. I want so desperately to find a job here that suits my skill-set and will allow me to use that creative side of myself- but it seems like the opportunities here are few and far between. Especially for someone like me without any post- secondary schooling. But you know what? I may not have that.. but I have a passion about this company that a very small percentage of people who work here have. Every job I have been given here.. I have surpassed the expectations- mind you not on a sale perspective but that is because.. I don't want to be a salesperson.. I care about the customers and their experience with us.. but I will admit it.. sales are not my forte. From what I know.. I have a good reputation here with all that I have accomplished.. but I'm running low on fuel... and I don't want to ruin things because of it. I just want that job here that clicks ya know? I don't want to feel like everyday is a means to an end. In August it will be 4 years here.. 4 years of being on the phone.. If I do not get a job more suiting for me by then.. I may have to seriously consider other options.. but I'm really hoping that this great company doesn't let me walk through that door...
Thats my job rant.. haven't had one of those on here yet. Sorry if it is boring and drawn out.. but I just feel really frustrated about it.
Other than that.. I'm just gonig to try to keep on keepin on..
Thank you for listening/ reading.. I will come up with something more amusing for my next post.
C'esttttttt Ca.

Just because you gained a few over the weekend doesn't necessarily mean it's permanent. It takes 3,500 calories to make one pound of body fat. After overindulging, your weight is bound to be inflated. That’s not because of an increase in body fat, but because of water retention brought on by the extra salt you likely ate, or the water retention from alcohol consumption. So don't let that discourage you! Another thing, try only weighing yourself on Fridays. The end of the work week, means you have exercised all week and allowed your body to get rid of excess water from the weekend foods. Above all don't feel guilty! ONE weekend out of a month and a half of healthful eating is not a sin. You will never go your whole life without indulging, so be proud of how infrequently you do. :) And about the class you are looking to take. I know how much fun it would be, but I know that you also have the creativity in YOU to make up an awesome routine at the gym to rev your metabolism. Create something with a balance bewteen cardio and weights... where weights give you a nice break to catch your breathe in between cardio. :)
ReplyDelete... and works sucks. Sorry. lol