This may be my first post where I am a bit tipsey... HOWEVER.. rest assured.. it will only impact my spelling.. and not the fabulous content.. atleast I hope
I'm sitting here eating my regular night time snack- english muffin with peanut butter melted in the microwave.. wondering.. how if I always heat it for 25 seconds and it comes out perfect.. that this time.. it came out too hot for me too even touch?
Conclusion- either I'm so drunk that I put it in for too long... orrr.. I'm so drunk that it feel hotter than it actually is? Either way?? not good Emily.. not good..And I know what u are thinking.. you are thinking.. Did Emily just say that the english muffin is not good and people.. no... no I did not.. I said not good as in the situation I am innnnn.. is not good.. following? ok
So I just wanted to say I had a fantastic day.. I went to the gym this morning.. 45 minutes cardio again.. however... felt kinda off today and.. nauscious? but I made it through..
Then got 2 awards today at work? Which made me feel super special? Why did I get awards? Ummmm because I'm awesome..
Thennnnn paid off what is left on my car loan so remember my goal was 5k to pay down in the year.. so.. now i'm at...approximately 2.4k- this goal may be easier than I thought?!
I also went out tonight with my friend Leesa to Gracies... my favourite place on a tuesday.. It had a rough start tho.. we were sitting in a booth and a bunch of girls sat int he booth right next to us.. and I looked over at a moment where I blatently caught them talking about me.. you know how that is.. the whisper whisper whisper.. head turn... look you up and down moment... and it obviously wasn't a nice... comment being shared? the girl was laughing as she was saying it.. and.. I felt myself revert back to a very.. insecure side of myself... that somehow came to be in highschool.. remember .. Sophie.. WHY WON'T SHE DIE!? Anyways.. I instantly felt really awkward.. and upset.. and I hated it.. so I insisted that we move.. I wanted to dance.. burn some calories you know?!
So Leesa stood with me while I danced my ass off.. and I looked to the left of me to see a group of girls.. and one of them grabbed the other and pointed at me.. and I was like.. in my head "really? Again... ? is this even necessary?" And the girl that had pointed at me.. I think kind of saw me see them talking and grabbed my arm.. and said in my ear... and I quote " I was just telling my friend how you have the most beautiful body I have ever seen on a woman. Like honestly, it is amazing... you bitch!" - I'm honestly.... speechless...I can't remember the last time someone said something like this too me... I wanted to cry.. I said thank you so much and continued dancing.. but just a little bit harder.. I felt like I was instantly just excuding confidence..
Now with that said.. do I want to rely on such comments to make me feel good? No.. but you know what.. I have been working my ass off.. and it felt nice to be noticed.. especially by a girl because she has no secret agenda in saying that.. made my.. month... Just typing it now makes me speechless.. I can't explain how good it felt.. I know this is a lot of cheese.. u might as well call me Miss Havarti Chedder' Provolone- gotta hyphonate... otherwise that shit aint right? Yaaa mean?
Anyways.. thats really all I had to say.. its late.. Iw ork tomorrow.. you know the deal...
C'est "Tear" Ca :)

Well hello Miss Tipsy-Havarati-Cheddar-Provolone! You know what I think? I think your microwave is pulling tricks on you !! Sneaky little gamma and beta rays! And I am so excited about your compliment! That is like UBER amazing. I can't imagine how awesome that would have felt!? What were you wearing????
ReplyDeleteAwesome body?? DEF! You're an hourglass goddess Emily. Don't dare forget that!!!....btw, LOVED seeing you!! And your cute little smoochy dog. SO TINY! Can't get past it!