Thursday, May 5, 2011

A little Late Shoe- Worthy Wednesday!

I can't believe yesterday was another shoe-worthy Wednesday yesterday?! And I missed it.. How dare I!?
This one is in honor of Rebecca, because we shared an infatuation for this man the other day. Lol

I introduce to you...Eric Bana!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Weekend.

Argh wow.. I had by far the worst sleep of my entire life last night.. I think I had too much milk or something? But I could not sleep.. I was tossing and turning.. felt like I maybe slept a total of 15 mintues.. And I felt nausiated this morning which was horrible. And it sucks because I had a pretty good weekend- lots of time with friends etc.

I went to the dog park.. thankfully the only bitches there this time were dogs.. GET IT? Bitches... no? Ok I got to spend a lot of time with my good friend Niki. Which was lots of fun.. We went out together and that never happens.. and she got to see in person my problem with men.. of the chocolate variety.. and how much they be all up on my ass.. She was shocked.. And it was pretty bad.. but I have also had worse experiences then that night. I actually had to yell in some guys face to leave me alone at one point.. because he wouldn't stop coming up to me and trying to dance with me... I ALSO had a guy come up to me and actually say "Hey you wanna fuck tonight or what?" I was in completely in shock and probably responded in the most cheesiest way with "Well, I think my boyfriend would like to fuck you up.. but me fuck you? Not so much." lol Niki laughed at me.

Sunday I got the cheapest groceries I have ever gotten.. $75? No clue how I did it.. but I'm determined to start getting better with money.. I'm tired of being so stressed about it all the time.. I really am. As I was driving home fromt he grocery store.. I was listening to the song fucking perfect by Pink.. Zoned out daydreaming about Peter and his sweet little face.. My phone started ringing and it was him.. it was a really wierd moment.. I was so excited to here his voice. Apparently they were on blackout again for a week because another soldier got injured and now has no legs which is just horrible. He told me that the Army is most likely changing their policy to 1 year deployment, 2 years home.. opposed to the 1 year deploy, 1 year home that they have now... Now with the military.. nothing is ever for sure.. but if that is true.. That would make me so happy and so much more confident on things with me and Peter.. That would mean I'd probably be looking at only 1 more deployment to survive through opposed to 2.. thats a huge doable difference.. Either way its doable.. but still so much better.. He said so many things on the phone that I really felt like I needed to hear.. He always said before that he wanted to move to a different post other than Fort Drum before.. But now he says he will most likely just stay there and was saying mainly because he wants me to be able to be close to my family.. :$ which really meant a lot to me.. but I would kinda like the experience of living somewhere else also.. And then he was talking abotu how he wants to go to school after the military because they will pay for it.. But said he thinks he would want to move to Canada after that because he really likes it here.. That is just a dream come true because I would really like him to come here.. Canada is so much easier.. free health care etc. After him talking about school and stuff for a bit.. he suddenly stopped and said "Wow, enough talking about me and what I want.. What do you ant to do babe.. I want to hear about you." And I started to tear up and I said.."I just want to be with you babe.. I'm sorry I'm emotional." and he said "I know baby.. I can hear it in your voice, everything is going to be alright I promise." Like.. just so sweet.. I know he is young and has a lot to work on but jeezus.. he has so much potential ya know?

I feel more in lurveee than I have been in a long time.. It is true that absense makes the heart grow fonder...

I am also trying to get a part time job for weekends.. I realyl want to have some money saved up before Peter comes back.. It is really tempting to just file bankruptcy or soemthing and start over.. It really.. I just really liek to think I'm not a quitter and can pay this stuff down.. It jsut feeling like it is going to take forever :(

Anyways peeps.. back to work..

C'est Ca